In the medical and scientific world, Fibromyalgia is thought to be a neurological condition with a damaging effect on the muscular and skeletal tissues of the body.
Fibromyalgia is mostly grouped together with the many autoimmune diseases……this basically means that the immune system of the body starts to fight its own healthy tissues, thereby handling them as infectious organisms.
Does Fibromyalgia have A Cure?
The short answer is no. However, patients with fibromyalgia are given medications on how to manage their conditions by physicians (rheumatologist) just as a way of taming the common symptoms of fibromyalgia-like chronic pain.
However, it’s very common for the victims of fibromyalgia to remain silent about their situation and condition or even be deceitful to their families, friends, workmates and their employers, just as a way of camouflaging and not being perceived as weak and sickly.
What are the Telltale Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
The symptoms of fibromyalgia are very similar to those of:
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
It’s for this reason that medical practitioners tend to miss the many telltale signs of this illness.
Fundamentally, fibromyalgia is a disorder linked to sharp and great pain. Fatigue is the major cause of all these fibromyalgia symptoms.
The hallmarks of fibromyalgia are the tender or trigger points of the human body. The tiny muscular contractions that is ultra-sensitive and painful upon application of just slight pressure.
Scientific studies show that fibromyalgia could be hereditary and genetically inclined. The condition is, however, not contagious.
Other Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
The following symptoms typically present themselves in a majority of the patients suffering from Fibromyalgia:
- Troubled visualization:his is where a person sees blurred pictures and many blind spots.
- Memory lapse: It becomes so hard for them to recall simple things in their day-day affairs. For example, one can easily forget where they put their keys to a room.
- Gastrointestinal effects: Experiencing haltering, puffing, intestinal gas, often constipation, diarrhea and nausea and vomiting. Many experience gastroesophageal reflux Disease, abbreviated as (GERD)
- Ultra-sensitive to smells: They detect odors and as a result they start throwing if the odor prolongs.
- Peeing difficulties: When you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you feel so much like urinating, it causes a sensational pain when passing the urine and a loose bladder can happen.
- Menstrual cramps: Women diagnosed with fibromyalgia, in most cases they will have uncontrolled menstrual periods for a long time besides other symptoms.
- Ekbom syndrome: This happens to your feet and legs around the knees. It could be painful but in most cases, one feels like they should move their legs to feel better. It is tiresome and troublesome most often at night because it deprives one of sleep.
- Bright light phobia and loud music: They are most likely to be irritated and by loudest music and very bright lights.
- Mood disorders: Close to 50% of the people with fibromyalgia are depressed and become overwhelmed with anxiety the moment they are diagnosed with fibromyalgia condition. In most cases they live a stressful life as they try to balance between how to have a good feeling in their own self and keeping up with real life. You can be forced to be less active hence being drawn to depression.
- Allergy to certain medications and foods: Some foods and medications when taken result in serious body reactions that accelerate the degree of misery in fibromyalgia.
- Nightmares are common: They find it difficult falling asleep and even staying in sleep. The lack of sleep is generally related to their inability to have rest. They can never reach at the pick of sleep to the extent that even if they wake up the next day, they still feel fatigued irrespective many hours spend in bed.
- Hypersomnia: Sleeping excessively becomes the order of the day.
- Too clumsy: Accidentally knocking things along their way as they move, poor judgment of the distances especially when going for some stuffs or they are on a drive. Body balancing problems starts to emerge and regular dizziness.
- Headaches, depression and prickling: These comes on the as the onset fibromyalgia symptoms. The degree of headaches in the sufferers differs from one person to another. In most cases it’s relapsing headaches… comes and goes. It can be the tension headache or even hemicranias.
- Stiffness in the joints: This happens mostly during morning hours. Other resultant factors to stiffness in the joints are changes in weather, emotional trauma and torture. After waking up, one feels more desire to relax in order to feel better. It’s not the normal state where one feels creaky. It’s kind of stiffness seen in the people with rheumatoid arthritis. The degree of stiffness however varies. It’s thought to last for only 15 to 20 minutes per day. It can stretch even for hours or the whole day.
- Pettish gut syndrome: Close to two-thirds of the fibromyalgia sufferers experience lower abdominal pains, gas and feel like throwing up.
Can I get treatment to cure my weird fibromyalgia symptoms?
While there is some medication that could help improve your symptoms, what you really need is a change in lifestyle.
Improved diet and regular health checkup is the solution. Many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia-like:
- Headache
- Depression
- Migraines
- Gastrointestinal disorder
- Sleep problems
All these could entirely be controlled if strict diet meals are taken. Heart-friendly meals should be taken plus foods with low sugar levels and low fat. Fruits and vegetables should be a must in your diet.