How to Re-assert Your Body Image Post Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be a life changing experience, especially for the new mother. With the arrival of the baby, the mother’s first priority in life changes from everything else to her little bundle of joy. The whole routine is scheduled in accordance with the little baby, waking hours, sleeping time and meal times too. However, it is necessary that the new mother set aside some time exclusively for herself, in order to relax, unwind and even to exercise and get back in shape. A few tips on getting back into shape will help new mothers and provide them with impetus too. After all, a healthy and happy mom equates to a healthy and happy child.

breast lift surgery

Tips to help new moms get back in shape

  • Breasts

New moms usually are breastfeeding their little ones. In fact, during pregnancy, size of breasts increases by one or two sizes to prepare them for the new job of feeding the little one. Breastfeeding a baby has several advantages – it is beneficial for the baby, boosts their immunity.And the best part is it helps the mom lose weight. However, once you stop breastfeeding the breasts do not really shrink back to their original size or even regain their previous tautness. For those who were already heavy chested, this can pose a problem since heavy breasts can lead to back pain, neck pain, change in the posture and discomfort while taking part in strenuous sports activities.

One way to elevate the pain associated with this is to exercise while focusing on the breasts and aiming to reduce their size by following specific exercises under the guidance of a trained instructor who is well versed and trained to instruct you with the correct exercises. However if the problem is quite serious and causing severe discomfort, you may opt for breast lift surgery Melbourne doctors offer.

  • Exercise correctly

You can start moving around immediately post delivery, more so if you experience a normal birth. However with ceaserian section you need to be a little careful, especially while carrying heavy weights or doing strenuous routines which are ideally not recommended immediately but can be done after a few months.

The exercises that can be done immediately and must be done include cardiovascular exercises. Cardio can help burn calories and can even be included in daily routine, such as pushing the stroller while on a walk, dancing with the baby in the house or walking briskly or even jogging, all the activities that bring up the heart rate and count as cardio.

You can then start by doing stomach crunches and increasing the number gradually to reduce the fat accumulated on the stomach. Crunches, presses, stretching, pull-ups, cycling are some of the exercises which will help you get back in shape

  • Eat right

Dieting or starving yourself is not the right step to lose weight, especially since you are nursing a baby and need the energy too to tend to the little one. Eat small meals at regular intervals and watch the calorie intake. Avoid unhealthy snacks and go for healthy options and include a lot of fruits, vegetables and lean meats in the diet.

  • Take naps

Lack of good sleep can stress-out the body and even cause weight gain. So, try taking short naps and relax as and when possible along with the baby.

Wait it out, and enjoy the phase with your little one instead of getting stressed and depressed, as a healthy mind will help achieve the healthy body.