heavy leg symptoms

Discovering the causes and treatment for Heavy leg symptom

In general (except in special cases) the problem of heavy or painful legs is caused by venous problems, we also talk about venous insufficiency in the broad sense.

Indeed, the veins are responsible for bringing blood from the periphery (legs, hands …) to the heart and sometimes the system becomes less efficient, because the muscle vascular wall of the veins expands and no longer allow a sufficient return to the heart.

There is then stagnation of the blood in the legs and this results in edema which result in pain, heavy legs and a tingling sensation.

This is a predominantly female condition because venous circulation is often linked to the hormonal system. In young women, especially following the menstrual cycle, heavy leg symptoms are quite common 

Interesting note

Heavy, poorly cared for legs can lead to complications such as venous insufficiency and more aesthetic complications such as varicose veins. Ask your specialist for advice quickly and treat yourself appropriately.


Heavy legs can be caused by:

– Hereditary factors (genetics).

– The heat (in summer in particular), indeed the temperature favors the dilation of the veins and the blood tends to stagnate in the legs, which favors the development of the heavy legs.

– Long standing (for example in sales jobs) or sitting (long trip by car or plane).

– The sex of the person, we know that women are more prone to the problem of heavy legs.

– Excess weight (because there is more fatty tissue, so more work of irrigation of the venous tissue).

– Age (the elderly would be more concerned with heavy legs).

– Pregnancy (pregnancy and heavy legs).

– Hormonal problems.


In general we feel heavy legs, tingling, cramps and leg pain.

Swelling (characteristic of edema) is often observed in the leg; varicose veins may also be associated. We often have trouble putting on our shoes.

Swelling is a typical sign of heavy leg symptoms, can occur in any part of the leg, including the feet, ankles or thighs.

Caution, in some cases, swelling in the leg may be a sign of a serious illness such as a blood clot or a heart condition.


The drugs used to treat heavy legs are called phlebotonics, doctors and pharmacists often use gels (very convenient also for the refreshing effect of the gel itself) or tablets.

Gel to treat heavy legs

– Heparin-based gel (often on medical prescription, especially used for circulation problems, ask your doctor for advice).

– Aescine gel as well as medicinal plants, often associated with a refreshing effect due to the galenic form of the gel.

In tablet or capsule to treat heavy legs

– Tablet or capsule called veinotonic: usually based on flavonoids from plants or synthesized chemically

– Herbal tablet or capsule: red vine, blackcurrant, horse chestnut.

Down support or contention

 heavy leg symptoms

Be advised in your pharmacy or by your doctor.

Medicinal plants

For more information on herbal medicine, often used in addition to other treatments, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.