Christchurch Dental: What to Do for Healthy Gums and Teeth?

Proper oral hygiene is paramount to keep the gum and teeth healthy. It involves practices like brushing at least twice a day, adequate flossing, and regular checkups. But oral health is more than gum diseases and cavities. According to studies, there is an association between people’s mouth and the overall health.

Dental experts consider dental health problems to be a worldwide health burden. Without the right treatment, gum issues or tooth decay can lead to problems with self-confidence, pain, and even loss of teeth. These problems may lead to speech impediments, malnutrition, and other challenges in people’s work, personal life, or school.

People can help prevent these issues with the right care, both in the practitioner’s office, or at home. Listed below are some of the best habits that can help keep gums and teeth healthier.

Brushing teeth regularly, but not aggressively

The majority of the people know that brushing your teeth twice a day is considered an essential practice for removing bacteria and plaque and keeping them perfectly clean. But brushing is only effective if people use the right techniques. People need to brush using a small-bristled brush in circular motions, brushing the back, front, as well as the top of the teeth.

How to properly brush your teeth? Visit this site for more info.

This method takes between two to three minutes. People need to avoid the back-and-forth sawing motions. Using a hard-bristled brush or brushing too hard can damage gums and tooth enamel. The result of this may include permanent damage to protective enamel, gum erosion, and tooth sensitivity.

The ADA or the American Dental Association recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Professionals also state that we should change brushes every three months or when the ends start to get frayed, whichever comes first.

Use tooth products with fluoride

Fluoride comes from elements in the soil called fluorine. Experts believe that it can help prevent cavities, and it’s a common component in a lot of mouthwashes and toothpaste. But some products do not have fluoride in them, and some people don’t use it at all.

Studies suggest that a lack or absence of fluoride can cause tooth decay problems, even if people take care of their teeth. A recent study shows that flossing and brushing don’t prevent people from getting cavities if they don’t use fluoride products. A lot of communities in the country have fluoride in their potable water supply.

Some organizations like WHO or World Health Organization, US CDC or United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the American Dental Association or ADA, suggest using this type of practice. People can find out whether their water supply contains fluoride by asking their local government. Water filters like reverse osmosis remove fluoride, and residents using well water need to check fluoride levels in their water to know how much is in their water supply. Most bottled water brands don’t contain fluoride.

Check out for more information about the ADA.

Floss your teeth at least once a day

Regular flossing can remove bacteria and plaque from the teeth, where the brush cannot reach. It can also prevent issues like bad breath by removing food and debris that have been trapped between the teeth. Although there’s a lack of long-term research proving that flossing is imperative and beneficial, the American Dental Association continues to recommend it.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also states that we need to floss regularly. A lot of health practitioners recommend to gently push the floss down to the gumline before going to the side of the teeth with up and down movement. It is crucial to avoid snapping it up and down between the teeth. It can cause minor pain and will not remove bacteria and plaques as effectively.

See a dental specialist regularly

According to experts, people need to see a dentist every six months for a scheduled checkup. During the routine examination, the professional will remove hardened tartar and plaque, as well as clean the teeth. Professionals will check any visual signs of mouth cancer, gum disease, cavities, and other oral health problems.

Sometimes, they may also use equipment like a dental x-ray to check for issues like cavities. According to recent research, adults and children need to visit the dentist’s clinic at least once every six months to prevent cavities. But adults who practice proper hygiene every day and people with a lower risk of oral health issues may be able to visit the clinic less frequently.

Experts also state that there’s a need for higher-quality studies to help confirm the right frequency of checkups. People can ask their oral hygiene professionals or check out online pages like Christchurch Boutique Dental’s Facebook page, about how frequently they need to visit the clinic. Answers will depend on the individual’s health history, overall dental health, and age. But anyone who sees or feel changes in their teeth or mouth needs to visit the dentist’s clinic.

Limit foods that contain a lot of starches and sugar

Consuming sugary foods can lead to problems like tartar and cavities. Researches continue to highlight the vital role that sugar plays in health outcomes. Typical suspects include desserts and candies, but a lot of processed foods also contain a lot of sugar.

The World Health Organization recommends that we limit our intake of sugar to below ten percent of our daily calorie intake. According to experts who did these systematic reviews, lowering daily sugar intake to at least five percent would further reduce the risk of problems like cavities. Dental professionals also state that foods rich in starch like pasta, bread, chips, and crackers can also cause tooth decay problems.

To find out more about cavities, click here for more details.

The American Dental Association explains that foods rich in starch stay in the mouth and break down into sugars, on which acid-producing organisms feed. The acid can cause tooth decay. Instead of consuming food rich in starch, the American Dental Association recommends eating a lot of food rich in fiber like vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products like milk or cheese without added sugar.