What are some complications of bariatric surgery?

This surgery is one of the safe weight loss surgeries. The probabilities of complications and chances of death are negligible or less than 1%. There will be odds of general problems associated to surgery in obesity. The glitches are exceedingly with higher BMI. After surgery, the patient will feel and look better. However, to be successful and long-term, it is essential to maintain a healthy diet. It is felt that the laparoscopy-related difficulties are the consequences of the bariatric specialist’s level of experience, while the higher rate of open bariatric surgery intricacies results from the larger incisions.

The main types

The surgery is generally performed on individuals who have very high Body Mass Index (BMIs of 35-40). Such BMIs can be life threating as well. This will sort your stomach reduced, permitting you to eat and drink less at one time and making you sense full sooner. There are three type of bariatric surgery performed.

  1. The first type of surgery is performed using a gastric band with the aid of staples. This technique is called (RYGB) Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass.
  2. The second way is done by eliminating some parts of the stomach and is termed as sleeve gastrectomy.
  3. The last type of surgery is done by resecting or re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch.

All the overhead processes aim at decreasing the size of the stomach, thus, reducing the ingestion of food.


Complications of bariatric surgery

There are number of positive side implications but at the same time it may seem scaring. However remember that inconvenience rates shift generally relying upon the experience of your specialist and your conduct previously, then after the fact surgery. Here are few of the bariatric surgery complications:

  1. Bleeding (also referred “Hemorrhage”)
  2. Indigestion
  3. Gallstones
  4. Dehydration
  5. Bowel function changes
  6. Bowel obstruction
  7. Blood clot symptoms or Blood clots (also mentioned as “thrombus”)
  8. Gastro esophageal reflux disease
  9. Hernia
  10. Dumping syndrome
  11. Low blood sugar
  12. Kidney stones
  13. Intolerance to certain foods
  14. Leaks (including gastrointestinal leaks and staple line leaks)
  15. Nutritional deficiency; especially iron and calcium
  16. Nausea and vomiting
  17. Organ injury during surgery
  18. Marginal Ulcer
  19. Stenosis / stricture
  20. Wound infection

Open vs. Laparoscopic Gastric Complications

  1. Certain inconveniences, including anastomotic releases, pulmonary embolism and pneumonia, have the same possibility of happening after both open and laparoscopic surgery. In any case, the danger of different inconveniences changes relying upon which method you have.
  2. A study that assembled the outcomes from more than 6,200 bariatric surgery patients observed that open gastric surgery conveys a higher danger of:
  • Incisional hernia
  • Organ injury during surgery
  1. The same study also found that laparoscopic gastric patients have a sophisticated risk:
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Stomal stenosis
  • Gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage

This surgery may prove to be the sunshine if you have severe obesity and is unable to lose weight or keep from gaining back the lost weight using other approaches such as routine treatment or suppositories. This may also cure serious health problems, such as type2 diabetes or sleep apnea, related to obesity.