Dandruff is the most difficult thing to be managed and is the worst enemy of the hair. Hair fall is a general issue but with dandruff, it becomes worse. Your hair looks ugly and a receding hairline is witnessed. Dandruff is an unceasing scalp problem that is usually caused due to dry skin and leads to dry flakes. Dandruff does not directly play a role in hair fall but it causes itchiness on the scalp and the vigorous scratching of the scalp leads to hair fall.
Although there are several treatments for dandruff but using severe chemical products damages the hair further in long run. For receding hairlines there are several treatments available. The hair transplant Chennai & Pune are the best hair transplantation centre in India.
Discussed below are certain remedies that one can start following to reduce dandruff and control the hair fall.
Coriander juice
The essential vitamins and proteins that are present in coriander leave not just reduce hair fall but initiates hair growth. Also, a paste of coriander leaves when on the scalp where dandruff is noticed reduces dandruff. Leave the paste on your scalp for an hour and wash it thoroughly. To get better results repeat it twice or thrice a week.
Onion juice:
Onion juice is very important for hair. It provides strength to the root of the hair preventing it from falling. Also, it is very effective in removing dandruff. Apply the onion juice to the scalp and leave it for half an hour and wash it off with a mild shampoo. You will witness better results in a week.
Clean Hair:
When you are exposed to too much of pollution, your scalp gets affected by the dust and carbon particles. They, in turn, cause dandruff and breakage of hair. So, if you have to go out on a daily basis make a habit of shampooing on alternative days. Shampoos also contain chemicals so use mild shampoos so that you don’t suffer from rough and frizzy hair.
Dry your hair:
Make a point of drying hair after you wash it. If you have a habit of tying your hair after soaking it, change immediately. When you tie the soaked hair they get tend to tear apart from the roots. Also, soaked hair captures much more dust than dry hair.
Herbal paste
Instead of chemical spa, try home-made herbal paste for spa once in a week. Make a hair pack with henna powder, ground fenugreek seeds, egg, and curd as well as ground gooseberries. With the help of a hand blender, mix them well. Apply the paste to your scalp and let it dry for one hour. Then rinse your hair using a mild shampoo thoroughly. You will get better results within 15 days.
Coconut and almond oil
Hair oils especially coconut and almonds have no alternatives. Massage your scalp almost on a regular basis with lukewarm oils. The strength of your hair is retained and also an improve blood circulation is noticed. All these help you to control the unmanageable hair loss.
Even if after all these remedies you do not receive the much satisfactory results, consult experts. If hair loss increases, hair transplant in Chennai suggest the best hair treatment regain the volume of your hair.