The Best Ways to Reverse and Avoid Tooth Decay

If you start experiencing toothache and pain when chewing, you could be having a cavity. According to National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, 92 percent of adults between 20 and 64 years have had cavities in their permanent teeth. The results of this survey also showed that 26% of individuals within the same age bracket have untreated decay.

In most cases, a cavity occurs when a tooth is exposed to acid for a relatively long period of time. There are high chances of your teeth developing cavities especially if you take drinks and foods containing starches and sugar frequently. A tooth loses minerals when exposed to acids. It is important to know that tooth decay can be reversed during the early stages.

Enamel can use minerals from saliva and also fluoride from toothpaste to repair itself. More minerals are lost if tooth decay process is not reversed during its initial stages. Over time, the enamel, which is an important part of a tooth can be destroyed and weakened hence forming a cavity. Therefore, it is greatly important to prevent cavity and reverse the whole process before it gets worse. Here are some ways to how you can do that:

  • Brush Twice Daily

If you really want your teeth to remain healthy, consider brushing them twice a day. It is also important to use the correct brushing technique. Plaque, which is a sticky, soft, bacteria-laden film, can build on your exposed enamel. Over time, it can harden into a tartar and this can lead to gingivitis. Besides causing tooth decay, plaque can also cause a bad breath.

Brushing your teeth frequently will not only remove plaque, but it will also leave your mouth fresh and healthy. It is also recommendable to use your toothbrush in a gentle and circular motion when brushing. A soft-bristled toothbrush can give you the best results.

  • Have a Balanced Diet

Avoid eating sugary foods frequently. The right foods for your teeth are vegetables, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, lean sources of protein like legumes and lean beef, fruits, and whole grains.

  • Floss Daily

Floss is an important interdental cleaner. It helps in removing dirt from tight and hard-to-reach areas of the teeth. There are certain parts of the teeth where your toothbrush cannot reach. Floss is the most appropriate technique to remove foods lodged in such areas.

  • Visit a Dentist Twice a Year

If you want your teeth to remain healthy, consider visiting dental experts like your Naperville Family Dentist once every six months for a regular checkup. Pregnant women, smokers, and those suffering from gum diseases are usually advised to visit a dentist after every 3 to 4 months. You should know that it is cheaper to prevent cavities than it is to treat them.

  • Drink Plenty of Water

Water is an important component of saliva. In fact, saliva is 99 percent water. Having little saliva can cause dry mouth, hence resulting in bad breath and other dental problems. This clearly shows that saliva is the mouth’s initial defense against tooth decay.

Final Thoughts

Teeth are important components of your body. If you lose them, you will experience many challenges especially when it comes to chewing food. It is, therefore, important to avoid tooth decay and other processes that may have a negative impact on your teeth’s health.