Swedish Massage

How to Make the Most of Swedish Massage

The benefits of massage are numerous. If you want to get relieved from pains or stress, you can take drugs, but the impact of massage on these problems is far-reaching. Drugs may relieve the problems, but can also load your body system with unwanted chemicals that can cause a series of problems.  Massage, on the other hand, provides a 100% natural method to deal with various human health issues and you will never regret going for massage therapy. Massage therapies are of different types and you may be confused about which one to choose among them if you are a newbie; this is why this write-up has been put together to enlighten about Deep tissue massage vs Swedish massage, which is among the most common types of massage.

What are the specific features that differentiate the two and how are they similar? We will provide answers to the questions in the course of this write-up.

How Swedish massage impacts health

The health impacts of Swedish massage are numerous and some of them are highlighted below:

  • It can help you to relax psychologically
  • It can also improve the quality of your sleep and can increase how long you sleep.
  • Furthermore, it can help to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress; it can, therefore, help you to relax better and recover after the day’s stress
  • There is equally no better way to reduce irritability than via Swedish massage.
  • What is more, Swedish massage can help with concentration improvement.

Swedish Massage

How it relates to a deep muscle massage

Swedish massage is one of the components of deep muscle massage. This is to say that deep muscle massage is an umbrella name consisting of Swedish massage and some other types of massages, like lymphatic drainage massage, muscular massage, sports massage, Thai massage and even Swedish massage.  You need to bear this in mind when learning about Deep tissue massage vs Swedish massage. This is to say that every component of Swedish massage is obtainable in deep tissue massage and more. If you prefer deep tissue massage, you will end up with a combination of all the types mentioned above including Swedish massage.

Precautions before deep tissue or Swedish massage

There are some very important things to consider before you start a Swedish or deep muscle massage. These important things are highlighted below:

  • If you are pregnant, you should not hesitate to tell the therapist
  • Do you have a history of respiratory or heart problems? you should let the therapist know about this
  • Also, the therapist must be made aware if you have joints-related problems
  • Have you recently had surgery or you are just recovering from the surgical procedure? You should not hesitate to tell the therapist about it.
  • Furthermore, you should also let the therapist know about any kind of medical condition you may be having before the therapy begins.