How Minbie Nipples Can Help Your Baby Easily Switch between Breast and Bottle Milk

How Minbie Nipples Can Help Your Baby Easily Switch between Breast and Bottle Milk

Unless you are a stay at home mom who has all the time on earth to breastfeed her baby for the next two years or so, you will certainly want your baby to master the art of using bottle nipples when he or she is as old as two months. The transitioning from breast to bottle milk is both advantageous and disadvantageous. If you do it well, you will get back to work in less than two months without exposing your baby to latch and other related problems. If you make mistakes, you may end up causing serious health and feeding problems on your baby.  If you are thinking of switching your baby from breast to bottle nipples, Minbie baby bottle nipples can help you do that quicker, easier, and safely.

Revolutionary Design

Minbie bottle nipples have a groundbreaking design that resembles a mother’s breast nipples. This pioneering invention enables your baby to easily get accustomed to sucking the bottles nipples. That’s simply because they will use their innate breastfeeding techniques to latch and feed on these bottles. This usually encourages an anti-mastitis, luxurious and well-suited breastfeeding latch. We highly recommend that you start with and stick to Minbie bottle nipples to keep your baby safe from nipple confusion side effects.


Anti-Colic and Anti-Reflux Functionality

All Minbie bottle nipples have anti-reflux and anti-colic capabilities. The additional functionality features of these bottles help to minimize issues with nipple-confusion and lazy feeding. They help encourage quick adaption to the natural breastfeeding.  The nipples are created such that they will require your baby to use the same breastfeeding techniques they use while breastfeeding, which aids to reduce issues with reflux and colic.

Premium and Strong Design

Minbie bottle nipples are strong and highly effective breastfeeding alternatives. They are ergonomically crafted from flexible, soft, BPA-free, and premium Germany sourced silicone. These bottle nipples are unique, award-winning, and incredibly stylish. They differ from the everyday nipple alternatives in that they are hard-wearing and durable. Unless otherwise advised, you can use a single bottle to feed your baby until they are big enough to eat regular foods.

Improved Digestion

The use of Minbie bottles will save your baby from lazy-feeding, anti-colic,and anti-reflux feeding. It also helps to nurture the perfect breastfeeding latch while still improving the breastfeeding coordination. The anti-colic and anti-reflux capabilities of these bottle nipples also help to support proper baby control of food intake. The end result of all these will be improved digestion and boosted baby health.

Minbie baby bottle nipples are without a doubt the perfect alternatives to breastfeeding. They offer the comfort, coordination, and feeding benefits your baby can get from breastfeeding. Minbie baby bottles are currently quite in demand.  They are slowing gaining customer trust and penetrating to more world markets. As long as you settle for the right and genuine bottles, you can rest assured of getting value for money. For those moms who want to return back to work after two or three months without causing feeding or latching problems to their baby due to the quick transition, you can visit to order your bottle nipple anytime.