Dental Health

How Lyme Disease Can Affect Your Dental Health

Lyme Disease is a common issue that affects many, especially during the spring and summer. This disease can be treated, although sometimes it might not fully be detected at first. Because of this, it can affect your body in many ways, including your dental health. In fact, sometimes your dentist, such as Dr. Paige Woods, DDS, can actually tell whether or not you might have Lyme Disease simply by looking at your dental health. To find out more about what this illness is and how it hurts your dental health, you’ll want to keep reading.

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme Disease (LD) is caused by a bacterium that is spread by deer ticks. When this tick bites a human or animal, it spread this bacterium into their body. If not treated, it can lead to this disease which can create a large red bulls-eye where the tick has bitten you and can lead to numerous symptoms.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

As mentioned above, Lyme Disease comes with numerous symptoms.

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Swollen joints
  • Headaches
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Short-term memory problems

Ways Lyme Disease Hurts Your Dental Health

Lyme Disease not only hurts your body, but it can also affect your dental health. This is because the bacteria injected into your body by the deer tick spreads into your root canal. Eventually, it can work its way into your teeth. Below are some ways that this disease can hurt your dental health if not stopped.

Your Dental Health

It Can Cause Facial Palsy

A common sign of Lyme Disease is facial palsy. Facial palsy is when one side of your face has muscle weakness due to a problem with your nervous system. Because of this, one side of your face with slightly droop down. Many dentists, such as Dr. Paige Woods, DDS, can tell just by looking at this symptom of whether or not you have this disease.

It Can Make Your Mouth Dry

You could end up having a dry mouth due to the bacteria hurting your salivary glands. This could result in a decrease of saliva production which can lead to you having a very dry mouth.

There Could Be Inflammation in Your Mouth

Because Lyme Disease will spread bacteria throughout your body, it could cause inflammation. This could end up making your gums swollen which can cause pain or make it difficult to chew.

You Might Have Tooth Sensitivity

Due to the bacteria from Lyme Disease living in the root canals of your teeth, it could end up making you have tooth sensitivity. Because of this, it could make it hard for you to chew. It could also result in shooting pain in your teeth.

It Could Lead to TMJ

Known officially as temporomandibular joint pain, Lyme Disease could lead to TMJ. This is because of inflammation in your mouth and because the bacteria causes the muscles in your body to swell.

Lyme Disease is a terrible illness that can cause many painful symptoms. What many don’t realize is that it can also drastically affect your dental health. This can result in severe tooth sensitivity or facial palsy. However, by looking at your dental health, you can sometimes identify Lyme Disease in your body before it spreads. Because of this, it’s important to keep an eye out for it by using the information mentioned above. If you’re concerned you might have Lyme Disease, be sure to visit Dr. Paige Woods, DDS for a full consultation and treatment plan.