In the era of fitness freak, the diet plan chats, gym,exercise,workouts are not enough to attain zero sized figure. Clenbuterol is one such product used by bodybuilders , Celebes to gain ripped physique. It act as a supplement in their diet which helps in building the muscle tissue, eradicating fat tissue from the body. Though it is a slow process, it is dangerous if you have high blood pressure. It can take duration of one month for better results depending upon the usage of clen.

The dosage for users may vary from each other. However at intial days the user must start with smaller dose at least 10 mcg per day till the body becomes use to it.

  • Women can consume 20 mcg per day
  • While men can consume 40 mcg per day

As clenbuterol causes insomnia the user must use it early morning.

dangerous if you have high blood pressure

Side effects:

Overdose can lead to nervousness, sleeplessness User must be take care about the quantity and dosage as per directed by physician according to his body’s metabolism & it can differ from person to person. Apart from doing daily schedule exercise, yoga and diet plan hence , clenbuterol will be effective for burning the fat tissue from the body & transforming into slim trim body.

Drawbacks of this steroid may also leads to serious ones but initially some side effects which are noticed in the form of Jitteriness, sleeping issues such as insomnia and headaches that can occur.

But there is a chance where the excess amount of medication leads to harmful   side effects:

Elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, shaking, muscle cramps, nervousness, nausea, increased appetites etc.


Naturally usage of any kind of steroid according to cycle process have very low amount of risks associated. Similarly this clenbuterol enhances the same result .too much of steroid intake effects on the functioning of metabolism. Furthermore it acts as a weight loss cycle. Proper planning should be maintained during on and off cycles like proper diet exercise and all. It is dangerous if you have high blood pressure.

Reviews by users:

Yes!! If we talk about advantages these products have disadvantages too. Users find it helpful to lose weight, but there are drawbacks faced by them as well. The side effect may be due to overdose of the product without taking any precaution.

This clenbuterol dosage is variant in both men and women. It is also considered to be a multipurpose drug which has anti-catabolic and thermogenic properties which are helpful for loosing body fat and increases muscle strengths. This steroid has variant properties which define one for weight loss and other for muscle strengths. According to the person needs this steroid properties are prescribed for an individual.

 If we want to stop using clenbuterol simply reduce the dosage levels for a few days and eventually stop the medicines which will adequately helps to make our body to get back to its normal.

Reports says, In US this clen is not legally used although it is legally used in some countries.