Infertility can be a challenge that has an enormous amount of stigma attached to it. Unfortunately, infertility doesn’t stop at psychological health or emotional stability. It, in fact, can have far-reaching economic and social ramifications. Countries like Japan have a population that is dwindling at a rapid pace. Infertility and a lack of libido or sex drive are directly to blame for this. If a nation faces an issue wherein the population is too small to sustain the economy or the population of a generation is too minute to manage the strains of the nation’s interest, it can become catastrophic.
The good news, however, is that with modern medicine and medical technology making immense strides, infertility is no longer the unbeatable force it once was. In fact, after years of research, doctors can make a much clearer distinction between infertility and impotence. Bearing a child despite infertility is not only just a probability; with the strides made in fertility treatments, this has become a high possibility.
The emergence of numerous fertility centres around the globe has ensured a rise in the quality and accessibility of fertility care treatments. These treatments are quickly evolving and are meeting most challenges that come with infertility for couples. Treatments like IVF have made immense strides and show a lot of promise for couples who are hoping to bear their own child. The stigma attached to the idea of receiving fertility treatments is slowly fading by the day. This is because of the technology behind the treatments offered. These treatments can be case-specific and can also be different depending on the gender of the person who is infertile.
One thing that doesn’t change, however, is the requirement for a healthy sex life. On average, a couple between the age of 20 to 45 is known to have sex at least 4 times a week. This is because the human libido isn’t just for child bearing purposes. The need for a healthy sex life is well documented in sustaining both mental and physical health.
To improve chances of fertility, doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day, a healthy diet and a healthy routine of sex. Even for IVF, lifestyle is crucial for child bearing. The impacts of non-communication and keeping the stigma around infertility active can have grave national and personal ramifications. Infertility when not spoken about openly, can lead to depression or can even lead to the end of a relationship. This is why doctors recommend counselling for couples struggling with getting pregnant regardless of the type of fertility treatments they may opt for.
With the improvement in communication and in an effort to decrease the stigma around infertility, cities around the world are opening fertility centres that work with couples not just for fertility treatment but to increase awareness, counsel and even educate communities about infertility. In India, you can find an fertility clinic in Chandigarh, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi or any major city. Find the ones closest to you to better understand what infertility is and how to help yourself and others face it.