10 tips to avoid diseases of fall and winter (and keep your family protected)

At this time, people usually clump together in enclosed spaces , which facilitates the circulation of viruses and bacteria. The colder time of the year is coming along with the winter diseases. Despite the pleasant and mild climate, care must be taken to double the incidence of respiratory diseases among children . This is because in this period people often crowded into enclosed spaces, which facilitates the circulation of viruses and bacteria that can cause flu and colds.

To prevent the arrival of winter always becomes a health issue, you can take action to protect your family and move away from winter diseases. Here are some of the simple tips highlighted by Riteaid Store to put into practice and, yes, to bring good results. Look that:

  1. Avoid enclosed sites and large agglomerations

The equation is easy. The more people concentrated in an enclosed location, the greater the possibility of transmission of viruses and bacteria through the air. Therefore, it is best to avoid taking your child to the mall, for example.

  1. Always wash coats and pieces of wool, knit and plush clothing before dressing

Stored clothing items can accumulate mites and bacteria, transmitters of winter diseases and allergies. Nothing should be used without a technical stop at the laundry.

  1. Avoid contact with smokers

Cigarette smoke is always harmful in any situation. But in winter it is worse: because of dry weather, the nasal mucous membranes become more sensitive. Therefore, contact with nicotine is a triggering factor for allergies, rhinitis and cough. Avoid!

  1. Avoid contact with people with the flu (including you!)

It is no use to dedicate too much time to children and forget to treat oneself. It is necessary that parents also take care not to catch colds  other diseases. If they do, close contact with the child should be avoided, and the hand should be placed in front of the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and not sharing cutlery and utensils.

  1. Observe the appearance of symptoms

No father wants to see the child bothered, but it can happen that the child has a fever and coryza and still play normally. Or manifest a fever and improve after taking a shower. Such cases can be cured by the body itself and do not require the family to go to the ER. Before taking it to the hospital it is important to see if the child has a strong and depressed fever, otherwise the exposure can transform what was a simple cold into a more serious illness. Good sense is key at this time.

  1. Clean the nose daily

A great form of prevention is the daily cleaning of the nose, which removes the infectious agents entering the nostrils and decreases the time of contact of the aggressors with the nasal mucosa. And more than that: the habit of cleaning the nose daily improves the defense mechanisms of our body and decreases infections and allergy crises. It is recommended to do the nose cleaning at least twice a day. If you are sick, washing can be done up to six times a day.

  1. Hydrate the nose daily

To complement the cleansing, the daily nasal hydration keeps the mucosa hydrated for longer, helping the nose to function properly .

  1. Avoid contact with animals

The pets are great companies, but if there is an allergic at home, they can become the main causes of respiratory allergies.

  1. Respect the rest time

Children need to make antibodies, and winter does not have to upset the family routine . But if your child has a cold or a cold, it is not appropriate to have him go to school. It is best to let the symptoms go away so that it returns to normal activities.

  1. Keep the house always clean and airy

Just as coats and cold clothes need to be cleaned to keep dust from accumulating , so does the house. There is no need to leave all doors and windows open, but ventilating these environments during the day and cleaning furniture, floors and walls is already a way to make your home a disease-free place.